Narcissism’s Roots in Edom

God has put on my heart over the last couple of months to take a strong look at the ‘remnant of Edom’ noted in several areas of scripture (Nahum, Obadiah, and Amos & the trial of Paul in Acts 24). I feel boldly there’s something here but I certainly and humbly know that I’m not perfect so my hope is to bring some context to what I’m discerning and pray this message will reach the right audience to bring some spiritual light to the darkness!

A quick study shows the ‘remnant of Edom’ is in reference to Esau, the twin brother of Jacob, son of Issac and Rebecca, grandson of Abraham and Sarah. A ton of online commentary points to some bloodline or racial origin of Easu as the bad seed vs. God’s chosen ones. This quite frankly makes my own blood boil. Jesus Christ laid down his life so we could have ours – HE PURIFIED OUR BLOOD – ALL PEOPLES!!! Our bloodline, race, mistakes, shames, sufferings are ALL covered and washed clean by the blood of Jesus. 

OK, with that out of the way, I believe Edom/Esau represents a spiritual darkness operating in the world today. Very similar to the Jezebel spirit and connected. One of the many manifested spiritual forces of narcissism.

To me, this spiritual Edom influence is behind the toxic masculine energy of the “hunt”. The desire to compete, win, control and dominate. Esau was the hunter in his family. His envy of his brother led him to want to kill him. This spiritual influence I believe is somehow connected to the violence in TV/video games and the obsession with sex as a power symbol – pornography in particular as a huge open door to darkness.

Personally, pornography terrifies me. My deep wounds from childhood sexual abuse just didn’t make it something I could stomach. On the flip-side, there is escaping to pornography to heal. Interestingly, the breakdown of my marriage was largely propagated by the porn & sex addiction of my now ex-husband. The “irony” in it all is that most of his videos were of anal penetration and this was the way I was sexually abused at the age of 6. Coincidental? Nope. We subconsciously attract others who harbor our deepest wounds …perhaps God’s way to try and heal us from the past.

This is how the narcissist/empath attract each other. Same wounds, opposite outcome. The narcissist is your mirror, your opposite. Both toxic behaviors that God hopes to heal in us.

Bringing darkness to light will change us. Jesus will heal if we allow him. It is not a myth that 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 12 boys will be sexually abused by the time they turn 18. Very sad, and very real. But most people just can’t handle talking about it so we go about our lives carrying these burdens subconsciously which creates suffering. Perhaps when God opens your eyes & ears, gives you wisdom beyond understanding, you’ll see….

But most of us keep things surface level. We pray for one another. We keep our lives as cushy as possible. We believe we’re good people. But even Jacob, God’s chosen one, had to succumb to his own malevolence and needed forgiveness from the Father when his greed led him to take Esau’s birthright.

LOVE ME he says and keep my commandments ~ “If you love me, you will keep my commandments” ~John 14:15. Loving him is the prerequisite. It’s how we can actually follow his commandants. Sanctification is a life-long process and true repentance changes the heart. Could this spiritual Esau be the temporal, theological, even legalistic presence in today’s church vs. the true Holy Spirit guidance and indwelling in a what we call a ‘born-again believer’?

I’ve think I’ve experienced and felt this type of spiritual Easu in some of these ways:

  • Concerned with the “now” – difficulty exhibiting true patience and ability to wait on the Lord to reap at harvest time
  • Procrastination to stay ‘in control of their destiny’ – avoidance behavior
  • An appearance of repentance but largely rooted in self-pride, a victim mentality vs. taking responsibility for own sin
  • The expression of ‘truth in love’ is often aggressive (deflecting, blaming, justifying or ‘one-upping’) or passive aggressive (stonewalling, apology feels fake, forgetfulness as a means to hurt the other, withholding information/affection/communication). 
  • Remains stuck in bitterness from life’s hardships & betrayals – still haven’t fully forgiven their betrayers which has kept their hearts hard and consumed by self-pity and bitterness.

Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!!! To God be the GLORY!!! XOXO 🙂